Archive of <April> <2004> [chronological]

3:27 PM Friday, April 30, 2004
Weekend's here. That's good. Unsure of plans still, but have an offer of drinking and ping pong/table tennis. Cold out again. My craving for sushi has left the building, and I think my new craving is for pop, cola, soda, sugar water, Coke, whatever you want to call it. Spring league tomorrow again the best 2 teams in the the league. Sweet. It's supposed to rain tomorrow I think too. Sunday's free though, which is nice. Used my 2 free iTunes songs to get To Be With You by Mr. Big and The Rockafeller Skank by Fatboy Slim. Too much fun.
4:15 PM Thursday, April 29, 2004
I did the Oath to Vote by Ben & Jerry's and got my free iTunes song. So I'm definitely not passing up my free stuff. And, sad to say, I promise I will vote in my first election as a US Citizen. And might as well document it all here.
3:26 PM Thursday, April 29, 2004
Might actually really be here, maybe. Anyway, nothing exciting at all. Finished up the Bobby Fischer book, and now I've got to pick something to follow that up with. Maybe some more non-fiction. New iTunes and stuff from Apple. Not bad. I missed yesterday's free song, which is too bad. Hate missing out on free stuff, well, most of the time. Otherwise, a cold office makes the outside springtime a bit unexpected. The web site I worked on went live on Monday, I think I forgot to mention that.
12:17 PM Wednesday, April 28, 2004
I finally enabled ClearType on my work machine and it's pretty cool. I now have nice smooth fonts both at home and work. Registered to vote yesterday at the Free Cone Day at Ben and Jerry's. And that's about it. Still playing with Movable Type, there's a whole lot of template customization that needs to go on before I'm willing to show anything. Leah's got a friend coming in to town so I get to amuse myself for a couple nights. Some hobby programming hopefully. Maybe some cleaning.
12:28 PM Tuesday, April 27, 2004
While looking for the playfair code, I came across a mirror of banned software. One of these things was ip2nation, which I found out has a website. It is a couple database tables with country and ip associations. So I went looking for other examples, maybe something more specific. So just plugging in ip to geographic location into google I get a whole bunch of different services. So I try it out on my logs. And I have a reader from New Hampshire. Go figure. Oh, might as well take the time to say hello to Donna, thanks for reading, say hello to my mom for me. Anyway, rather cool and interesting. Might be going to see Kill Bill Vol. 2 tonight. Slipped in a viewing of Dracula 2000 last night.
12:55 PM Monday, April 26, 2004
Tried to catch up on sleep, but I don't think I managed very well. Friday night date night was sushi at Cocoro again, and then looking for coats after missing the early enough showtime for 13 Going on 30. Interns went 1-1 on Saturday morning for spring league, with leah playing savage and the guys having 1 sub. Then naptime, which was nice, some hanging with the parents, some ambrosia, and another early bedtime. Oh, I missed again on an iTunes slurpee. Sunday was pickup in the cold and wind. Then dinner at Fogo, with too much meat, and not getting up until the meal was over. Then Alias, a couple Practices, some website coding, and a very early or late bedtime. Gotta do some grocery shopping. Need to get some batteries for my mouse and my remote. I know, exciting stuff.
2:01 PM Friday, April 23, 2004
So this whole triple OS environment is a little annoying. I like iCal. I'd like to use it as my calendaring. Except that I spend a lot of time ssh'd in to a linux box. So I'd love to have a console scheduling program that uses icalendar format files. But are there any? Haven't found any. Tempted to try and write my own, but I've got too many hobby projects I'm supposed to be working on. So it goes on the stack. Just found out today that there's a Cold Stone Creamery going on a couple blocks from me, right around Halsted and Cornelia. Watched Must See TV last night. Laughed out loud at Scrubs. Almost always do. Also caught up on Alias. I wonder what's next for them. I also wonder when Irina (Lena Olin) is coming back. Sushi tonight somewhere.
3:33 PM Thursday, April 22, 2004
Less and less to write about. Had what I termed a bachelor's dinner of pasta with pasta sauce from a jar. Did a small load of laundry last night. Installed some stumbler software on my powerbook for fun. Cooking dinner tonight and watching some Alias. Gotta try and catchup. Had breakfast really early this morning at Einsteins. Walked by this fabulous 3 Flat on Buckingham that sounds awesome. Spring League on Saturday, Kaze pickup on Sunday at 1pm, dinner at Fogo Sunday night. Maybe visiting with Al and Nicole in town for a wedding.
1:22 PM Wednesday, April 21, 2004
It's what's for lunch. I'm chomping down on yet another packed lunch, this time of sliced deli meatloaf. It's good. Last night dinner was Leah's Lentil Soup, quite good, after catching the 36 Broadway bus down, for a change. I think I'll stick with the 151 Sheridan. That's all.
2:53 PM Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Nothing really exciting to write about. Packed a lunch today after grocery shopping for lunch food. Pastrami. Yum. Chips and carrot sticks and celery. Didn't have a brown paper bag though. Maybe next time. Finished up Snow Crash. I've moved on to Bobby Fisher Goes to War by David Edmonds and John Eidinow, a suggestion by Russell.
10:14 AM Monday, April 19, 2004
San Francisco is a great town. Good visit. No problems flying, it did take me 2 hours or so to get to ORD by public transportation from Evanston. Stayed out in Berkeley Wednesday night with Sarah Kopple and gang, the some hiking up on the North Bay, very nice. Thursday night in the city, sushi with Whitney at Ebisu, very good fish, live scallops are sweet. Lots of walking around, a ride on a Muni bus, dim sum at Yank Sing, a look at the seal lions, some walking up hills, a trip on a Muni train, hanging out with Rocky and other ultimate players for the evening on Friday. Good time. Saturday was more lounging about, a trip out to Oakland's Lake Merritt for a bake sale, hanging out with hippies, and then some chilling in the Mark Hopkins (get a room cheap online). Dinner with Jessica Jenkins and Whitney again at a cute little Italian joint nestled among porn stores. Then drinks and dancing at the Top of the Mark. A really good visit. I like San Francisco. And then I come back to this, extremely windy and hot hot hot. Nothing planned for a while now. Happy belated birthdays to Russell and Remy.
3:35 PM Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Flying out to San Fran tomorrow. Crazy. Feel like there's so much more I should be doing. Anyway, got to eat some Halo Halo last night, hmmmmm, it's nothing like the game. Going to see Girl Next Door tonight, River East, 7:40pm. Gotta pack. No idea what to pack. Oh well, short week.
1:54 PM Monday, April 12, 2004
I'm really liking Movable Type. I think I'll move the backend of daily dose anyway to the mt db schema, and then maybe switch over, maybe not. I did get the styles and layout to mimic the current site. I've currently got my laptop set up as a development environment, mysql, php, mt, with cocoamysql my new best friend. Besides that, the weekend went well. Dinner was chirashi at Kuni's in Evanston, just on my way home. Interns lost our first game of the season Saturday morning. We did win our second game of the day though. Woodstock was good, no Easter Vigil, just mass Sunday morning in the newly redecorated St. Mary's church. It's good, but I need to see it a couple more times to get a better feel for it. I ended up helping to make Easter Brunch, just the potatoes and the beans. Stopped by and said hello to the Walls. Picked up a slurpee on the way back in to the city, and didn't win an iTunes song. I'm now 2/3 on that Pepsi promotion. Finally did some dishes. put some laundry away. Oh, alias was fabulous last night. Good return of Rambaldi stuff.
4:41 PM Thursday, April 8, 2004
I made a sort of Kosher lasagna last night. Rather interesting. Leah made matzah ball soup too. Laundry got done, I've still got plenty of things to iron. We're gonna stay at the Hotel Del Sol for a couple nights in San Fran next week, should be fun. Otherwise, some computer things: I've switched to vim instead of nvi, I've installed Movable Type for a friend and might be looking to use it for things. Oh, I've started running a couple mornings during the week, and I've realized that I can jog still. Leah leaves tomorrow, I've got a team BBQ for spring league during our bye, and then home to Woodstock for Easter.
9:42 AM Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Monday night dinner at East, or CoCoRo, one of Akira's favorite sushi places in the city. It was quite good, quality was excellent, nothing fancy, just absolutely solid sushi. Tuesday night was the Seder at Remy's Dad's place. Very interesting and fun. Finished up both Illuminatus Trilogy and Day of the Jackal. Not sure if I'll move on to Snow Crash or maybe some non-fiction for a change. Hellboy finally definitely on for tomorrow, City North, 7:15pm.
11:57 AM Monday, April 5, 2004
Postdated an entry from Friday morning. No movie Thursday or Friday. Interns of Kramerica won another 2 games on Saturday. It was another cold windy day of Spring League at Schiller. On the way up to Madison Leah and I stopped at Woodfield for lunch at La Vie de France and Mrs. Fields Cookies and a Cinnebon pocket knock off dessert. Madison was fun and rather interesting, partying with a) people 5 years younger than me besides Leah, and b) real college party people at a real party college. It was quite different from my own college experience. Sunday's drive home went much quicker and easier than Saturday's windy drive up. Poker game was quiet. Going to a seder or Tuesday. Laundry Wednesday. Possibly Hellboy on Thursday. Maybe sushi tonight and Friday. Spring League on Saturday, then probably Woodstock Saturday and Sunday.
10:05 AM Friday, April 2, 2004
So last night around 4 or so, my linux box at home started acting strangely. I thought my main hard drive had gone south. But when I restarted and checked it out, everything was peachy keen. So my 470 day uptime was killed, oh well. I set up some other hard drive I had hanging around as a backup, just in case the main drive does fail, which should happen eventually, since it's a consumer level drive that's been on pretty much for 4 years straight, in a computer that's probably 6 years old. I watched an episode of Faking It on TLC, about some pizza guy transforming in 4 weeks to a believable executive chef in a competition. Very cool. No movie last night. Gave myself a haircut. Looking for a Mac OS X version of DVD Profiler.
11:03 AM Thursday, April 1, 2004
It's that day of the year again. Silly. Puck got his oil changed this morning. Dinner last night was Dijon Tarragon Chicken, roasted veggie medley, and a rice pilaf. Breakfast at home this morning, part of a new saving money plan. Bowl of cereal. And now I'm starving. Might see Dawn of the Dead tonight. Might see Hellboy tomorrow. Headed to Madison Saturday after spring league.
Archive of <April> <2004> [chronological]