movable type. packaged, updated, easy to use. nice functionality. it's quite fetching, really. i've been running daily dose for close to 6 years? started out with hand coded. almost immediately jumped to perl scripting static pages. almost like movable type does now. except i'd do it local, then upload. probably a bit safer that way. but then again, what do i know. i didn't even have a database, or even a flat file that held entries. i parsed html straight, tagged my entries with comments and date, and did it that way. oh, the good old days. but i'm tempted to make the switch. so nice. so easy. and nothing, well, nothing really has to change. it's not like anything i do now requires php and an active database connection. no search. no comments. nada. but there's still something about being homegrown. but then you gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, which i haven't done forever yet. i have walked away. but still. do i change it?
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