9:44 PM Monday, March 25, 2024
Hard to believe, but actually finished packing early. Well, not like within 8 hours of leaving. Seems pretty crazy. Might have to look into Peak Design Shoe Pouch, instead of just using the small cubes. Otherwise, no notes on packing. Definitely making some packing choices, we'll see if it pans out.
10:21 PM Sunday, March 24, 2024
Managed to work out again today. Trying to keep it up before vacation. Wonder if I'll be able to keep up anything on vacation, or if I'll even have to. Maybe at least try and keep up the 7 Minute Workouts? Short enough that I should be able to sneak those in, like in the morning before anyone wakes up? Started packing, which might be a first for me, not the night before. Oh, I'd had a blister on my finger from cooking, and was slightly worried about it, but it managed to pop itself sometime either last night or this morning, and now it just feels like a callus.
10:19 PM Saturday, March 23, 2024
Took Jackson and Hudson to the robotics class that Dave took them to 3 weeks ago. Pretty cool seeing how easy it is using a Raspberry Pi. Seriously, just an IDE and Python. Anyway, that was pretty much the first half of the day, then lunch at Bonchon, then home for a bit before heading to Jackson's last i9 basketball game, and picked up McDonald's for dinner for Jackson and me. Then finally some couch time. Got all my exercise in today though, but definitely ate a lot, so that's coming out a wash.
10:10 PM Friday, March 22, 2024
Just another Friday. Did Jackson's laundry, since I didn't have to do it Wednesday since he skipped soccer practice. Last indoor soccer practice of the year. Dunkin was actually busy so I didn't sit there and work. Instead I came back and worked a little at Chicago Futsal Academy. Picked up drinks from Bambu. That's Lucy's favorite of the new boba places we've tried. I'd say it's the most interesting as well. Finished up a couple more Mission: Impossible movies and just have the latest one to watch. Those and watching Silo is a lot of Rebecca Ferguson, not to mention watching Dune Parts 1 and 2 a couple weeks ago.
10:56 PM Thursday, March 21, 2024
I've been thinking of divesting my  stock, mainly because of the DMA in the EU, but now with the DoJ anti trust lawsuit, well, I think I've missed my window. But I'm still way up so could probably do it anyway. Huh, I just checked what happened to MSFT during their antitrust lawsuit, and looking back, doesn't seem to have moved the needle that much. And considering where MSFT is now, might be worth it to hold AAPL, as long as I continue to believe in them. Anyway, Spring Break starts tomorrow after school. Jackson's back on Northwind SC 2013 P4 again. Guess he'll hopefully get to play with Hudson and Serafina with the Blaine team next year as 5th graders.
9:11 PM Wednesday, March 20, 2024
I was doing really well with diet and exercise, actually came out of last weekend not having gained any of the previous week's losses back, and then I go and gain it all back by Wednesday. And I was trying to be good before Spring Break. I ordered the wrong replacement keycap for the iPad Pro Magic Keyboard, so I tried Apple Lincoln Park to see if they had any, but they didn't. So I went ahead and ordered the right ones, and hopefully they'll come in time before vacation, otherwise, it'll be pretty annoying if I have to do any work on vacation.
9:42 PM Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Did some outside walking today, instead of just treadmill rucks today. Mailed my ballot, then a Jewel run at lunchtime. Then picked up Noodles & Company for the evening walk. Just walks though, no rucks. Been tempted to get a Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 R WR pancake lens, thinking I'd be more likely to carry the Fujifilm X-E4 around more. It's been flipping availability on Amazon (from Amazon.com) repeatedly over the past week, but delivery wasn't before vacation, except recently. And now it becomes randomly available, as well as pricing fluctuating between MSRP and secondary. Maybe I'll just wait until supply stabilizes (which is weird for a lens that's 3 years old).