3:56 PM Tuesday, <November 5>, <2024
Ever since Lucy stopped having morning swim practices, I've been lazier than usual. Something about the early starts made me a lot more focused and disciplined. Or maybe those 3 months or so are about how long I can be that ordered. I was sleeping earlier, trying to keep the sink clean by doing dishes as soon as I see them, but both of those have gone out the window. Trying to get back on the horse. On the other hand, I've started trying swimming for exercise. I'm using MySwimPro app/service, which is nice because it provides workouts and progressions and swimming plans. Still slow, but starting to feel better in the water, like my freestyle (the only stroke I'm currently working on) is finally starting to feel a little natural. But I'm currently keeping up with going 3 times a week. Started back in the middle of September. I got all the practice gear, and the first couple of weeks was dependent on the flippers, so had to restart my training not using flippers at all. Haven't had to use the paddles or the snorkel yet. Also I've been biking to the gym and back, so it's a good warm up/cool down. Which takes me to another thing: my Raleigh Carbon Clubman is back. I got a replacement frame (in black, not sky blue) from eBay back in July, put it together as much as I could, and gave in and brought it to Roscoe Village Bikes to finish it off and double check my work. Turns out I put the wrong chain on, and they fixed any shifting issues, and then I had to get a new front wheel (couldn't be trued). Rim doesn't match, apparently they don't have rounded chrome rims at all. But looks well enough for me. Had to get new Carradice bags to color match (black), and then got a bigger one (Nelson Longflap) so I could carry all my swim practice gear in a saddlebag instead of a backpack although it's so big it's riding on the fender. But having a nice bike again? Priceless. I am just waiting to get hit again, and wondering if I should preemptively buy a backup frame. Lucy's switch swim teams, so I'm up at eBar at the Nordstrom's at Old Orchard which she practices with Swift at Niles North.