1:54 PM Monday, <April 12>, <2004>
I'm really liking Movable Type. I think I'll move the backend of daily dose anyway to the mt db schema, and then maybe switch over, maybe not. I did get the styles and layout to mimic the current site. I've currently got my laptop set up as a development environment, mysql, php, mt, with cocoamysql my new best friend. Besides that, the weekend went well. Dinner was chirashi at Kuni's in Evanston, just on my way home. Interns lost our first game of the season Saturday morning. We did win our second game of the day though. Woodstock was good, no Easter Vigil, just mass Sunday morning in the newly redecorated St. Mary's church. It's good, but I need to see it a couple more times to get a better feel for it. I ended up helping to make Easter Brunch, just the potatoes and the beans. Stopped by and said hello to the Walls. Picked up a slurpee on the way back in to the city, and didn't win an iTunes song. I'm now 2/3 on that Pepsi promotion. Finally did some dishes. put some laundry away. Oh, alias was fabulous last night. Good return of Rambaldi stuff.