10:04 PM Friday, <August 25>, 2023
Did a little work and called into the All Hands from The Spoke & Bird this morning. Had a Monte Cristo and a cappuccino. Then walked down to CH2 Data Center, got a full regular badge, then met some coworkers for a tour of our space. Was supposed to get the 2nd full regular badge, but they ticket had to go through a couple other steps before that could happen. Found out we had a 2nd cage that I wasn’t aware of. But yeah, always cool to see the data center. Got my 5th day of BetterMe in, along with an outdoor 1 hour walk after I drove the kids to soccer practice. Got a chance to talk with Austin. I tried jogging for a bit of the walk, but nope, body isn’t ready for that. Made me think I should try, gasp, a couch to 5k program. Might be worth it. Might need it. Also made a watermelon gazpacho yesterday, and it’s delicious. Quite refreshing. Only missing the dill from the recipe, wondering what that would add to it.