9:52 PM Thursday, <August 24>, 2023
So the BetterMe calisthenics is a 28 day program, and I'm 4 days in. Think I'll try and do 28 days straight. That means I'll have to do it when we go to Saugatuck for Labor Day weekend. Hair is starting to get annoying. I put it up into a ponytail today. And went out in public. It's that bad. I'm also already thinking about the hairstyles, and I feel like I have to make a choice early on, do I try a full on mullet, or everything else? Because there aren't many options after doing a mullet. Maybe a rat tail? But lots of options if I keep it longer on top for longer. 2 months or so to think about that. Had a coach/parents meeting for Northwinds 2013 Premier 3, got some clarification on how this year's going to work out. Enough players for 2 teams, but still get to practice together, but have separate game schedules. Also get to have another tourney in November. Home field is UIC because it's 9v9, so needed a bigger field. Winter will be 7v7. That's pretty much it.