11:55 PM Wednesday, <September 16>, <2015
Got hit by a sudden flu bug which took me out for a day and a half. I was wondering why it was so hard riding my bike in to work yesterday morning, then I realized I wasn't feeling so well about midway through morning before calling it and riding back home and collapsing on the floor bed and sleeping until picking up the kids. Then sleeping a lot more. Of course, I'm up now, but that's usual. But feeling better. Figure I'll stay off the bike for at least tomorrow. Moves the needle on the decision to go on the North Shore Century on Sunday, already affected by the pullout of Russell. Think it'll move to a gameday decision. iOS 9 released, and I only got around to updating all the devices this evening. That's how out of it I was, didn't check Twitter or RSS much today. I did finally watch Avengers: Age of Ultron since I caught up on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which did lead directly into the movie, although it didn't answer all the questions. Still have 3 more episodes from last season.