10:42 AM Sunday, <September 6>, 2015
Al and Nicole and Luke visited this past week. Saw them in Woodstock last weekend, then took Wednesday and Thursday off to do some sightseeing, Maggie Daley Park and Buckingham Fountain on Wednesday, and Montrose Beach on Thursday. Montrose has great sand, but the water was really cold. Also took my first Uber from Buckingham Fountain. Super easy. Good to see them all. Luke and Lucy played well, and Jackson was apparently very funny to Luke, and they all ran around and got loud and stuff. Always nice to see cousins playing well. I'm back to having a working phone, and looking forward to ordering a new one this week after the rumored announcement at the Apple Event Hey Siri, give us a hint. (September 9, 2015). House is chugging along. Can definitely see the end. Starting to think about closet organizers. Went to the Blaine Kick Off Picnic, saw Tun for a bit but he was besieged by parents and students. Lucy's first day is Tuesday. Kindergarten. Crazy. After School programs don't start until the following week, so going to be interesting. Finished up Mr. Robot. Had watched the first 9 episodes via the USA Now app on iPad or Apple TV, but figured I'd end up rewetting it and it's a really good show. Also Tracy's been watching Playing House, also on USA, which is very entertaining. They look like they really enjoy it. Just saw that the final season of Continuum starts soon. So I'll have to start watching that too.