6:14 PM Friday, <September 17>, <2010>
I'll try and get better at the daily updating again starting next week. Big news is Lucy's getting baptized on Sunday. Al and Nicole flew in, separately, today, since they're going to be the godparents. And headed out to Woodstock tomorrow for Joy's wedding shower. So gonna be a little crazy, as usual. Baptism's going to be pretty low key, which I think is pretty cool. Just immediate family that could make it. And my mom's cooking, or has already cooked all the food, and she came over on Wednesday and cleaned/baby sat. On Tuesday Tracy and Lucy had a girls' lunch with Espy, and then my girls stayed out at my in-laws for a bit. The drive back in was rough though, stuck in traffic, around 2 hours to get back, so well past Lucy's bedtime. Worried that going to sleep an hour off the routine would mean her getting up in the middle of the night, but no apparent affect. She's been sleeping through the night no problem. I'm impressed. And she's always so happy to see us when we get her early enough in the morning. I'll try and remember to bring the camera at some point. Otherwise, I've been watching Skins on Netflix Watch Instantly. I saw Better Off Ted Season 2 is now available. And finished off the first book of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I'm loving Netflix, not so much on the Wii, but I can't get a new Apple TV with Netflix built in because I don't have HDMI running through the wall from the AV Cabinet to the TV. Unless I get a HDMI to Component video Receiver or video processor. Put a cheap SSD in the Mac mini to speed things up and/or cool things down. Also tried putting a Compact Flash card instead of a hard drive in one of the Apple TVs, but that's not so easy.