9:15 PM Monday, <September 20>, <2010>
Lucy joined the Catholic Church officially on Sunday. Other than that, pretty busy weekend. Saturday drove out to Woodstock in the morning, had bad coffee from Dunkin Donuts on the way out. Hung out with the Abandos for the day, pawning off Lucy to her, at the time, future godparents, Al and Nicole. Went to Mass, and hung out in the St. Joseph's Center which has a nursery, which is pretty cool. Had Joy's Wedding shower at the house, which, in retrospect, we should have just gone home, since it wasn't an environment conducive to baby sleep. Lucy went to bed at the usual time, but got up at 8:30pm, then again at midnight and fairly often after that. And with all the activity on Saturday and Sunday, not sure if she really got any good naps in. Was really worried about her sleep last night, but she's back on schedule and slept from 7pm to 6am. So Sunday, drove back into the city, gave Lucy a bath, got her dressed up, and we all walked down to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel for the baptism. Quick and easy. Very nice. We had family over afterwards for a little get together, and my mom provided most of the food, with my mother-in-law providing some of Tracy's favorites. We tried getting Lucy to nap a couple times, but she wouldn't go down, so figured she just needed to socialize. And out in Woodstock on Saturday, also did some tech support, updating iPhone's to 4.1, iPad's to 3.2.2, and plugging their Time Capsule back into the system. Also had to do some work in there, since I'm on Nightly Load duty for the week. Yay.