4:59 PM Friday, <September 23>, <2011>
Trying my hand at Ruby on Rails programming. When I have free time. It's for a personal project from Ryan. Interesting, but really different. Also, it's probably the first new language I've tried to learn since, VB 7 years ago? Sad. Haven't kept up with things, really, at all. Maybe as a side project I'll redo this website in Rails? Just to see what it's like? Also maybe I should dust off my idea box and finally do some Facebook apps. I enabled the new Timeline there, and it's pretty cool. The thing I liked about Facebook is that it was like personal web pages for the masses. Which is great for people who don't have personal pages, but for those that do, and use other online services, well, it continues to be an issue for me to not duplicate posts. If I have a blog, and Foursquare for location/check ins, flickr for photos, Miso for TV/Movies, Twitter for random stuff, GoodReads for books, what goes to Facebook? I don't know. Got Daddy Day Care this weekend, but not sure what to do. If it's raining, maybe I'll take Lucy to the mall. If it's nice out, maybe we can hit up the Apple Fest in Lincoln Square.