11:23 PM Thursday, <September 15>, <2011>
Trying out a new thing and this is getting served up from home, a Mac mini over a Comcast cable connection. Wait and see if this is a good idea or not, but I was continuing to pay for hosting for this website, when, really, I get like a handful of visits. Not really worth it I guess. Only thing I'm scared of is getting hacked. And just have to hope that doesn't happen. Been on a coffee kick lately. Besides the normal cup with breakfast, also been getting an afternoon espresso type drink. I'm not that big of a fan of the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte. I usually just go with the short Caramel Macchiato, but I'm trying to try some different stuff. Some variety. Had a gyro the other day for the first time in a long time. Just makes me miss that place down the street from my old place, which got finally rented out by my parents. Last weekend went to Green City Market, then Lakeview East Arts Fest after Lucy's nap. Made a Dunkin run on Sunday morning to get Tracy her pumpkin donuts. Took the bike and Lucy. I need cupholders for the Xtracycle. Also went out to do some shopping, finally got a Table in a Bag, to put away for the season, and some beer. Was looking for some Good Juju, which I had at The Bad Apple, but might be hard to track down. Started reading the Twilight books again. Makes me wonder what Lucy's gonna be like, eventually, in high school.