9:37 PM Wednesday, <September 16>, <2009>
Riding today was much cooler, temperature wise, than yesterday. Much nicer. Maybe just because I get to use my vest. I love that thing. More leftovers for dinner. All in all fairly uneventful day and night. Tracy Skyped with Gabe, Sania and Ella for a bit after I got home. Tried to figure out how to split up the files off the Drobo back onto the firewire enclosure so I can do a reformat and repartition. Watched some odds and ends on TV, like Man Vs. Wild, some Discovery shows about shopping malls and some grub festival in the jungle. Then looked through some trailers on the Apple TV, nothing looked extremely good, except maybe Bandslam. I'll catch that on cable or Redbox someday. I did see that Sunshine is available for rental or purchase on Apple TV though. So that's tempting.