8:58 PM Tuesday, <May 11>, <2010>
I go back to work on Friday. Still think I'm on diaper duty though. Was going to try and go to a stationary store up the street, but weather slightly conspired against that, and Lucy's been a little finicky lately. Tempermental? Gassy for sure. Lots of burping. Lots. I did manage to leave the house and pick up some movies from Redbox. Also got a Eye-Fi Pro X2 in the mail today. Not sure what I was hoping it'd be. I tried it out by letting it send RAW files to the Mac mini, but I think files are too big to do that on a regular basis. And you can't auto send RAW files to online sites. So not sure what I'm going to use it for. Might end up being not that useful. Haven't tried the geotagging feature yet though. Maybe that'll be worth it. I was hoping it would make uploading photos of Lucy quicker, more real-time, but I don't think that's the case unless I start shooting JPEG+RAW, since I don't want to give up RAW. And I got annoyed with uploading JPEGs. Hmmm. Otherwise, I think Tracy and I are getting a little stir crazy. A little outing tomorrow, and the baby's 2 week checkup on Thursday will do us some good. Too bad Lucy's too young to take to Green City Market. It's moreso the chores associated with it, the feeding, the diaper changes. All for a sleeping, albeit very very adorable, baby.