8:53 PM Wednesday, <May 12>, <2010>
Lucy's been a little bit of a handful the last couple of nights. A bit of a difference from her first week or so. She just doesn't seem to want to go to sleep, with some crying. Food, diaper, any sort of injury, burping. Not sure if there's anything else there we need to be checking. Hopefully she'll make it through tonight without any issues. Russell dropped by on his way in to work today. Nice to see a friend for the first time. It's been all family since the birth. Wandered out of the house today, went up to Noteworthy Notes to order up some announcements, then over to Whole Foods for some random stuff. Gonna try to make jerk chicken tomorrow. Also got Lucy's 2 week pediatrician visit. And also officially added her to my insurance, which means I'm now playing through the nose for health insurance. Seriously, through the nose. Just realized I should have been working on some personal projects during the non diaper changing time of paternity leave. And now with just one day left, well, gonna try and squeeze something in.