10:42 PM Thursday, <May 19>, <2011>
So crazy couple of weeks at work. Went in on Mother's Day twice, while Tracy was working, and then after Lucy went to bed. Crazy. But now that the board meeting came and went, things are kind of quieting down a bit. Which is good. I even went out for a beer with coworkers after work today. First time possibly ever. Without it being a special occasion, like a holiday party or someone leaving. I've also decided to Boot Camp my MacBook Air. Should be interesting. Otherwise, Lucy's walking, eating. Very cute most of the time, but occasionally a cryer, and seems like mostly with me, and not really with her mom. Oh, speaking of mothers, my mom got arthroscopic surgery for a meniscus complete tear. That was just last week. She's doing well, but dealing with the pain of rehab. Need to get a yepp Maxi Easyfit (a child bike seat), but having issues trying to find a place that sells online. The one place they do sell at brick & mortar is REI, at a $40-50 markup. So trying to figure out if I can just get it through Xtracycle, where they sell it as the Peapod III, and then maybe I can just get a Free Radical. Need to clean out the garage though in order to make space for it. Just need to start riding the bike again. Been too long.