8:44 PM Wednesday, <May 19>, <2010>
Got my shipment notification for my iPad. Can't wait. It's gonna feel like a long time waiting for it. Might have come in handy today cause I had to go into the office for work. I think coming in to the office will always be interesting with the changes going on. It's now weird to go in, because the commute feels foreign, strange, like I have to double check how to get there, make sure I get off at the right stop. But I snuck in a stop at The Cupcake Counter. So that's always good. Sunny out today, and warm. So heading to the office got me out of the house and into fresh air, well, Chicago fresh air, for at least a little bit today. While I headed downtown, Tracy and Lucy went for a stroll. Also think Lucy's got a little diaper rash, so we're airing out her bottom a bit. Hopefully it gets better. Might explain some of the crying, but not really because she does stop crying. So who knows, that is until she gets to use words to let us know what's wrong.