10:11 PM Tuesday, <May 31>, <2011>
Let's see, 12 days since the last update. Lucy has a passport now. She also likes walking around with her arms down. Small thing, and something I think only a former parent would notice and think is adorable. Otherwise, Tracy's been going to LA Boxing a lot, so been coming home early enough so she can get to class. More time with Lucy. She's still sleeping like a champ, we did try a one nap day, but that failed miserably. She's much better when she gets her sleep on. There was one day when I took her to the park, that I thought she got sunburned. But it went away after a nap, so that's good. But sunscreen from now on. Possibly found a new favorite pizza place, Forno Diablo down on Sheridan and Diversey. As for computer stuff, I really like Boot Camp, running Windows 7 64 bit on the MacBook Air. It's better than just running Parallels in full screen. I wasn't really doing anything where I needed Mac and Windows stuff at the same time. Also, I nuked and paved the Air, my iPhone 3GS, and my iPad last week. Kind of nice to start fresh. Also nice to pretty much have all my data in a cloud. Easy to start fresh when I don't have to worry about data/media.