11:25 PM Tuesday, <June 7>, <2011>
8 days later. Had my 8 year anniversary of being employed with Market Track. Crazy. Getting excited about the Xtracycle that's supposedly showing up on Thursday. Should be fun. Need to get Lucy a helmet though. Been hot lately. Too hot. Like I've forgotten how hot Chicago summers can be hot. Finally got around to watching a bunch of movies, like Predators, and Slumdog Millionaire, and Letters to juliet and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, which made me buy the book. I guess my writing's been so sporadic, I haven't mentioned that I plowed through the Percy Jackson & the Olympians pentology. Good times. Not sure what my next Young Adult novel series is going to be. I've also read Jumper and Reflex, and of course had to watch the movie. I've already read the Hunger Games, and I'm not ready to go back to Harry Potter, and when I start biking again I won't have time to read anymore. But I'll try Artemis Fowl. I'd rather go for complete series, because waiting around a year or more for the next in a series is too long. Oh, WWDC 2011 was yesterday. Looking forward to iCloud and all the syncing. Happy iOS 5 applies to iPhone 3GS, so I can continue to hold out for an iPhone 5. I think I'm happiest right now about the iBookStore now available in iTunes. Oh, it's also IPv6 Test Day, so I turned it on for all the Macs in the house. All seems to work, except it doesn't look like Comcast has any IP6 DNS servers, so that's kind of useless. But otherwise, I think I'm all set for the future.