4:43 PM Friday, <May 8>, <2009>
Still haven't gotten around to putting the bike together. I should get around to that. Otherwise, I've moved on to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Good stuff when you know the whole story. Went for another run last night. I think I've figured out a path to get a 5K in. And even just after 2 runs I'm noticing a difference, so that's good. Tracy whipped up spaghetti for dinner, and leftovers. Watched Grey's Anatomy, The Big Bang Theory, and My Boys, which was odd because it was about crazy Chicago winter weather, and it's spring outside the window, so there was a little disconnect. I think there's some gardening shopping going on tomorrow, and headed out on the train to Woodstock on Sunday for Mother's Day and to see my dad as well. And to set up their bluetooth headsets. And any other sort of computer support too.