7:36 PM Tuesday, <June 8>, 1999
Puck is back. After a month and a half long hiatus, I am with car again.I did some shopping today, got myself a new pair of cleats, my first Kelme pair. They're supposedly the widest cleats out there. I also got some tan or grey soccer socks, but I didn't find my silver jersey yet. I also got some more Hanes t-shirts, as well as another oil latern and some Citronella Oil and some bug repellent in preparation for late summer league games. I was tempted to buy BBQ and a tent, but I'll hold off on those purchases till later. I'm thinking about getting into fishing again,I remember the days of hooking worms and casting bobbers far into Lake Vermillion up in Minnesota. Thanks Walls. So maybe after these fast pacedcollege years slow down, a fishing pole and hat could be ideal companions to my slower life.