drooling over a laptop i shouldn't get, that i have no
need for, but just continues to intrigue me even when
it's missing a feature i wish it had. a sony u101.
about the size of 3 dvd cases. full fledged laptop.
runs linux. the only problem, and this is the only
problem, besides finding funding? no built in bluetooth.
if it had that, i'd probably go into debt to get it.
i mean, it's tiny. and if it had bluetooth, and the
big battery, i'd be online all the time, checking mail,
rsd, websites, posting here to musings and daily dose,
working on websites for Kaze. now that i'm on XP and
ssh'ing into my home linux box, well, i'm linux, i'm
in the terminal all day. and i like it. but damn, no
bluetooth, and damn, no money, and damn, no compelling
reason to get one. except using it for everything
instead of using a notebook for team stuff. no reason.
no reason. but i still want one.