the frame of mind, oak, or was it cheap black aluminum, but the setting, time and place, first page of a screenplay, the cars going by, the water below, bridges in the distance bathed in blue light, the quick, the scurry, across consciousness, from depths to depths, whoops, there it goes, one thing to do, in exchange, a barter, one for another, tit for tat, this for that, tomato for a tomatoe, you know the deal, don't forget to squeal, ally mcbeal, but wonders cease, of course they do, with no safety net, with no ropes, with no safety harness, the heights you can reach are much higher, the depths much deeper, the limits are no longer placed, the reigns, gone, unlimitations, abound, afloat, adrift, in a sea of confusion, but miles knows what's up, as does tom and ghandi. they all know the truth, they all know what the deal is. they've looked for too long. they know.
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