global warming, hot button topic, energy efficiency, energy independence, greenhouse gases. do i doubt any of it? maybe. i'm not about to think that humans know what the earth can do. i mean, can we even reliably predict the weather? and we're forecasting climate changes in 30 years? really? but can't deny the increase in greenhouse gases, the increase in temperatures, the mood swings of the weather, but then again, i'm not sure if it's always been that way in chicago. yes, i agree that humans have an effect on the environment. we do exist in it, breath it, consume, exhale, contribute to it. we move it in and around and out. do we need to take drastic measures, save the environment at the cost of commerce? i say no. that's right, taking a political stand. part of it is the whole futurist political philosophy of mine. how else are we going to start colonizing other planets or putting space colonies at lagrange points if we don't poison the earth, over populate and tax the resources of the planet? humanity will find a way to survive. i have my faith in that. speaking of faith, i wonder what religions stances are on ecological changes like this. so to sum up, i don't think we know what's best for earth, aside from removing ourselves completely from the equation. i just don't think we understand it enough. and i think we will find solutions, technological solutions, that keep us living. if global warming continues, ocean levels rise, we start building floating cities. the planet changes. it's not gonna stay the same forever. we'll just have to adjust to the changes we cause.
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