awareness, topic of old speeches, strengths of playing, field sense, consciousness, social and global, and all sorts of things, but awareness, extension of senses outside the self, spidey sense, to know what's going on around, about, within and without, aware. field sense, thoughtfulness, right place, right time, sharing and taking, knowing your role, and thinking about it, and then reading about it, uncanny, unnerving, but field sense, on not a sports level, but a social level. how am i affecting those around me, what wake do i leave, what wakes are affecting me, flow, traffic patterns, historical data, current market trends, but my view extends no further than my eyes, the sphere of my awareness is line of sight, and does not transcend time either, as i am to fully rooted in the present to acknowledge or understand the past or the future. temporal blinders. path of least resistance, for myself and those around me, but to extend? to increase the sphere of influence and affection? extended in both space and time?
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