ads within ads, heard one on the radio last night, apple vacations advertising within a hair removal ad. amazing. awesome. i love it. it's like a whole new level, and i can't wait for it to show up on tv. how about google paying to get on search screens on apple computers in movies? Or mcdonald's drive thrus in ford trucks? this needs to happen, and expand, and keep going so there's advertising everywhere, and someone's getting paid all the time. because someone has to charge. why don't they do this for the superbowl? I pay for a primo spot, and then start subcontracting, sub leasing ad space? that's freaking cool. seriously. why hasn't this happened yet? and i'd want networks to run ads from other networks. because they have big enough ones that they're willing to run ads from the competition. but this is all just for entertainment sake. anyway, pay for play, that's what i want. except i wonder how much more thins would cost by removing advertising? that's assuming that ads actually work, which drives demand, which increases supply, which increases profit and lowers prices. breaking even is not a valid capitalistic viewpoint.
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