big bad scary google enters the market. it's true. so now what? i'm scared. scared for apple. scared that google's going to take over the space. no one wants to mess with google. and the most interesting thing has only been picked up by lostremote: that anyone can upload video and charge for downloads. from a nickle on up. ultimate highlights? available for download. greatests. throws, catches, anything and everything. i wonder what this means for all those free videos that floated around, will it turn into porn, with little clips being free but the whole movies, entire scenes being worth a charge? and what's up with allowing content providers to determin the DRM for a video? anywhere from 24 rentals like CBS to "ownership" like NBA games. I was all excited when I first read about CBS shows being $1.99. same as the apple store, right? nope. only a $2 rental for a day. that's just stupid. and now there's google DRM. which means they can DRM anythying now. no stopping that company. scared. although google's putting the power back into the hands of the creators. cutting out the middleman. that's the future right there. except it's not doing away with the middle man, it's merely replacing it.
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