Archive of <September> <2011> [chronological]

4:59 PM Friday, September 23, 2011
Trying my hand at Ruby on Rails programming. When I have free time. It's for a personal project from Ryan. Interesting, but really different. Also, it's probably the first new language I've tried to learn since, VB 7 years ago? Sad. Haven't kept up with things, really, at all. Maybe as a side project I'll redo this website in Rails? Just to see what it's like? Also maybe I should dust off my idea box and finally do some Facebook apps. I enabled the new Timeline there, and it's pretty cool. The thing I liked about Facebook is that it was like personal web pages for the masses. Which is great for people who don't have personal pages, but for those that do, and use other online services, well, it continues to be an issue for me to not duplicate posts. If I have a blog, and Foursquare for location/check ins, flickr for photos, Miso for TV/Movies, Twitter for random stuff, GoodReads for books, what goes to Facebook? I don't know. Got Daddy Day Care this weekend, but not sure what to do. If it's raining, maybe I'll take Lucy to the mall. If it's nice out, maybe we can hit up the Apple Fest in Lincoln Square.
11:23 PM Thursday, September 15, 2011
Trying out a new thing and this is getting served up from home, a Mac mini over a Comcast cable connection. Wait and see if this is a good idea or not, but I was continuing to pay for hosting for this website, when, really, I get like a handful of visits. Not really worth it I guess. Only thing I'm scared of is getting hacked. And just have to hope that doesn't happen. Been on a coffee kick lately. Besides the normal cup with breakfast, also been getting an afternoon espresso type drink. I'm not that big of a fan of the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte. I usually just go with the short Caramel Macchiato, but I'm trying to try some different stuff. Some variety. Had a gyro the other day for the first time in a long time. Just makes me miss that place down the street from my old place, which got finally rented out by my parents. Last weekend went to Green City Market, then Lakeview East Arts Fest after Lucy's nap. Made a Dunkin run on Sunday morning to get Tracy her pumpkin donuts. Took the bike and Lucy. I need cupholders for the Xtracycle. Also went out to do some shopping, finally got a Table in a Bag, to put away for the season, and some beer. Was looking for some Good Juju, which I had at The Bad Apple, but might be hard to track down. Started reading the Twilight books again. Makes me wonder what Lucy's gonna be like, eventually, in high school.
9:04 PM Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Been about 3 weeks. Might as well update. Finally getting over a sickness. Had a couple days of flu-like symptoms, curled up in a sweatshirt and a blanket in August, but then the rest of the time dealing with the mucus. And the coughing. No idea where I picked it up. Got Lucy sick, but she doesn't seem to mind it too much. Just when she sneezes and a bunch of snot comes out. Funny. Also Tracy got sick, and now my mom's sick too. Tracy also started reading The Hunger Games, and within a week is almost done with the trilogy. And I just read it over a few days. Been reading a lot, even new stuff. Found out Steve Jobs retired when reading through twitter. I must have been busy at work that day, since I found out well after the fact. That was strange. Went out to lunch with Lucy, just the 2 of us, one Saturday during daddy day care. Having issues descaling our Keurig. Went to Jazzfest last weekend. Loving the short size at Starbucks. That way I don't have to get double talls. Just about the right amount. Hard to believe it's already September. Crazy. Gotta start thinking of a Halloween costume for the family. Then before you know it Lucy will be celebrating a Christmas that she's actually aware of.
Archive of <September> <2011> [chronological]