Archive of <May> <2011> [chronological]

10:11 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Let's see, 12 days since the last update. Lucy has a passport now. She also likes walking around with her arms down. Small thing, and something I think only a former parent would notice and think is adorable. Otherwise, Tracy's been going to LA Boxing a lot, so been coming home early enough so she can get to class. More time with Lucy. She's still sleeping like a champ, we did try a one nap day, but that failed miserably. She's much better when she gets her sleep on. There was one day when I took her to the park, that I thought she got sunburned. But it went away after a nap, so that's good. But sunscreen from now on. Possibly found a new favorite pizza place, Forno Diablo down on Sheridan and Diversey. As for computer stuff, I really like Boot Camp, running Windows 7 64 bit on the MacBook Air. It's better than just running Parallels in full screen. I wasn't really doing anything where I needed Mac and Windows stuff at the same time. Also, I nuked and paved the Air, my iPhone 3GS, and my iPad last week. Kind of nice to start fresh. Also nice to pretty much have all my data in a cloud. Easy to start fresh when I don't have to worry about data/media.
10:42 PM Thursday, May 19, 2011
So crazy couple of weeks at work. Went in on Mother's Day twice, while Tracy was working, and then after Lucy went to bed. Crazy. But now that the board meeting came and went, things are kind of quieting down a bit. Which is good. I even went out for a beer with coworkers after work today. First time possibly ever. Without it being a special occasion, like a holiday party or someone leaving. I've also decided to Boot Camp my MacBook Air. Should be interesting. Otherwise, Lucy's walking, eating. Very cute most of the time, but occasionally a cryer, and seems like mostly with me, and not really with her mom. Oh, speaking of mothers, my mom got arthroscopic surgery for a meniscus complete tear. That was just last week. She's doing well, but dealing with the pain of rehab. Need to get a yepp Maxi Easyfit (a child bike seat), but having issues trying to find a place that sells online. The one place they do sell at brick & mortar is REI, at a $40-50 markup. So trying to figure out if I can just get it through Xtracycle, where they sell it as the Peapod III, and then maybe I can just get a Free Radical. Need to clean out the garage though in order to make space for it. Just need to start riding the bike again. Been too long.
8:56 AM Friday, May 6, 2011
It's actually been kind of nice getting my hands dirty and moving desks and stuff around the office while the new conference room gets finished up. Less thinking, more movement, and sometimes, more immediate feeling of accomplishment. But now it's pretty much done, and I've got to figure out how to wire up the table and room to make it pretty and useful. Should be interesting. But there's a chance I'll have to come in this weekend, and with Tracy working as well, my parents were nice enough to take Lucy for the weekend. So while we'll miss our 1 year old walker, we're planning on going out to dinner, at a reasonable hour. LIke when we were younger. Yay. Date night. Oh, also for work, which is apparently where I bring my old Mac hardware to die, or get used for testing purposes. Going to try and repurpose the old Mac mini as a conference room machine, since it's small, hopefully powerful enough, and fits behind the wall mounted TV. Just have to get Boot Camp installed, which is actually my first time. Ended up doing a complete repartition and reinstall. Hoping it goes smoothly after that. Also, USB extenders over Cat5 don't seem to work for webcams. Might have to run around to find a VGA-HDMI adapter this weekend. That's the only thing that's left. I think. Wait and see. Going to try and go to Gilt Bar tonight without a reservation. That should be interesting. Otherwise, I'm planning on coming in to the office this weekend, maybe both days, to make sure everything's all set and perfect. Besides work, found out Sports Night is available from Netflix Watch Instantly. Watched 2 episodes already. And that laugh track is annoying. But the show is awesome. I wish you could 1) get it without the laugh track, and 2) from iTunes Store. Started reading Ender's Game. And reading some comics too. Irredeemable is pretty good. Global Frequency is actually available officially through Comixology, so I've been buying those as they get released.
Archive of <May> <2011> [chronological]