Archive of <April> <2002> [chronological]

10:59 AM Monday, April 29, 2002
Not quite as full as last week, but this one ends on Thursday. Homework, as always, and another midterm, this time on Wednesday. Repeated nights of 5am programming benders might take their toll on me this week, but at least things get done.
3:53 AM Wednesday, April 24, 2002
Ahh, so a very long week begins. Finished up some homework, due in about 12 hours. Then I'll have to do some more homework and study for a midterm for tomorrow. And then do my java homework this weekend, while studying for another midterm and doing more homework. School's Grrrrrreat!
12:09 AM Tuesday, April 23, 2002
So much for having a productive weekend. Went to a party, first one of the year at Hammerdown, watched some caps, cleaned up. Sunday pretended to do some more homework, played some cards, and Monday pretended to do some more homework, watched Fifth Element, and talked some ultimate with friends over beer and fish. I've also decided to start doing some physical fitness, which is a little annoying since Chicago has decided to drop into the 40's again, weatherwise. But this week brings more homework, that isn't done yet, a midterm on Thursday, and my brother and sister-in-law coming to visit this weekend. All ahead full.
10:38 AM Friday, April 19, 2002
Going to my first Cubs game. I've lived down the street from Wrigley for 2 1/2 years, and only now am I finally wandering over for a nice Friday afternoon game. I should be doing homework though. Did some laundry this morning, got to do some house clean up. I just saw the trailer for Reign of Fire and that movie looks wicked awesome. Yes, I just did use "wicked awesome" to describe something.
10:58 PM Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Looks like Chicago will definitely be home for at least the next four months. I'm going to hold off on the job search till the summer, and continue working at the Lab Schools to pay for stuff. Which means, I'll hopefully get to enjoy the good things in Chicago this summer. Maybe. Basically I'm looking forward to Beach Ultimate at North Beach, and maybe some actually Chicago summer stuff. Maybe. Again. Except there's no air conditioning at work. Ugghh.
12:59 PM Monday, April 15, 2002
Aside from the movies on Friday, there was Piece and 1056 Saturday night, and bowling and food at a place I probably won't go back to for a while, and friends and card games on Sunday. Full Weekend. Plentiful. Like a horn of plenty. So that means I should probably do some homework today. I also managed to use some of my Sony Points for the first time today. About time I guess. Chicago has managed to skip over spring and go straight to summer. And resting my knee gets a little harder to do when it's sunny out.
11:01 AM Saturday, April 13, 2002
Turns out my network problems were due to having an old DHCP IP address. So that's resolved, which is nice. I take back any bad thing I've ever said about RCNChicago. Dinner at Dublin's last night. Such a great place. Homework today, trying to get a Java based Reversi game server up and running. Exciting. Bowling tomorrow. More homework on Monday. Always exciting stuff.
9:30 AM Thursday, April 11, 2002
Looks like my ISP,, is having some router issues. Makes me unable to go from home to work or school and vice versa. It's weird. So email to any uchicago accounts will be, well, a little off. Got some speaker stands for the home theatre, which now boasts a fairly even soundfield. Quite impressive. Beats folding tv trays. I actually got a decent night's sleep, but I've got more homework, due to an extension on the stuff I stayed up till 4 working on. Blade 2 again and Van Wilder on Friday, and maybe an additional DVD later.
3:34 AM Wednesday, April 10, 2002
So it's late, and I've just finished up my homework that's due tomorrow, so I'm back on schedule. And to think I was hoping to get to bed before or around midnight during this spring quarter to more fully enjoy the hopefully better weather. Gilmore Girls continues to entertain me, and I'm thankful for the fast forward for my tape of the Real World Chicago. Sometimes they just get way too whiny.
11:23 PM Monday, April 8, 2002
So I haven't gotten around to writing my long winded review of paganello 2002 yet. Maybe one of these days, if I ever get caught up from the 1 1/2 weeks of missed class. But my classes seem good, although a bit more theoretical than last quarter, but maybe a good balance, Advanced Java, Advanced Databases, and Networking/SysAdm. Actually, it'll probably end up being pretty well balanced. It continues to rain in Chicago. I made it out to Woodstock last weekend, just in time to make an airport run with my dad and cousin. I also managed to play on grass for the first time since WUFF on Sunday. And I've decided to rest my left knee for a while. Another Tue-Wed-Thurs schedule, with pretty much absolutely nothing planned for the weekends. Sounds like a pretty good Spring to me.
10:47 PM Tuesday, April 2, 2002
Back from a long weekend in Italy. Scandal placed 8th, at least making quarters on Saturday. A more thorough review will follow after I get more sleep.
Archive of <April> <2002> [chronological]