Summer league was alright. Ankle doesn't feel good, but I'm able to move
around at least without a brace. Not well, but able. Really cool to read
about Rohre Titcomb on RSD and how she's awesome on the US Junior Women's
team. Oh, the Titcombs. I hope someone puts together the all sibling team
for some tourney, and I could watch the Titcombs (all 4 current players),
the Blanchet-Ruths, the Forth twins, oh, and don't forget about the
Sheils, and many many more that I'm sure I haven't seen yet. That'd be a
really fun team to watch. Going to the Bacotes' tonight, sushi and some
CSO tomorrow, not much else I can think of. I'd like to sit through
some episodes of Sliders, if I get a chance.