2:51 PM Wednesday, <August 3>, <2005>
Finally got around to doing some tweaks to the site. For myself, added edit links to posts if I'm logged in as the administrator. Will make it easy to update old posts to use the Memex. For Akira, I added an option to view archives reverse chronologically, for whatever reason he wanted them. And I added the Flickr photostream to the Memex. Fairly productive. Also managed to go swimming last night. Right around the tail end of my swim, the pool suddenly got very busy, like 7 people? or even 9 at one point, although a couple were just waiting for an open lane. This was in a 4 lane pool. Crazy. But my shoulder hurts and my ankle hurts too, as I whine a little bit more, but I maybe have to try out the stationary bike to see if I don't ache after that. Would be nice. Headed out to see Tracy tonight. Mom comes back from the Philippines today.