9:54 AM Monday, <November 10>, <2003>
With no ultimate, I still managed a fairly full weekend. Friday night was a night out with Leah. We met up with Carlo and Remy at the MCA for First Friday, after we had dinner with Leah's roommate Elisa and her friend Anne. Afterwards we went to Club 720, to meet up with Mandy and gang. Club 720, rest in peace, was a great place to go dancing. It was 4 floors, alternating salsa and house. A lot of fun, except that it's gone now. Saturday we went to dinner with my parents at Arun's. Really good Thai, but not quite the "experience" meal that I was expecting. I wasted Saturday away by watching TV and finally moving my desk around in the data center. Sunday Leah and I watched 7 episodes of the first season of Alias. It looks really good on DVD. We also managed to do laundry. I also managed to remove all the old cat 5 cabling. I'm headed out to Schaumberg tonight to help my Uncle Lito with his new TV. Not a whole lot planned out beyond that.