11:03 AM Friday, <November 7>, <2003>
Went and saw Matrix:Revolutions last night. Bad seats, but what can you do one day post release. But I liked it, aside from the handful of really bad, really funny, laugh out loud parts that I've come to expect from any major motion picture. I did. I'll elaborate in the more (). Dinner with the BR's, Bryan and Remy at Big Bowl on Ohio. Good dinner, funny dinner. Them guys and gal are funny. Did I mention that it's cold out? Now that the season's over I've stopped hydrating. Odd, I think. First Friday at the MCA tonight, dinner with the 'rents tomorrow night, maybe some climbing tomorrow in the burbs as well. I feel like I have something planned for Sunday, but I'm forgetting all about it. So I like Matrix:Revolutions. Here's the story as I perceived it. You've got these people, who suddenly come to terms that they have no choice, they are just pawns, they think that what they do, who they are actually means something, but in reality they're just powering the energizer bunny. It doesn't matter what they do. Then they want to do something about it. They want to change the world, free the people, awaken the batteries, because the truth will set them free. But then Neo finds out that even that is scripted, is planned, the revolution itself was destined. How do you come to terms with that? And in the end, it didn't matter. After a couple fights, after some flash bangs, we're left with, what? Exactly what we started with, mostly. People outside the Matrix. People inside the matrix. The machines still in control mostly. A burned sky. And guess what, it was all scripted. Things start over. Again. There will be another war, another one, another revolution, it might be different, the means might change, but the end, well, it's just the same as the beginning. You get it? Feel the flow? It's all circular. It all doesn't matter. Except for those 6 hours, for those three movies, it did matter to us. The audience. We kept waiting for it to mean something. Hell, it's just 3 movies. It's just a story. And I walked away entertained. I've done it before, I'll do it again, way more than 6 times. So yeah, I liked it and saw it as a fitting end to the Matrix story. I hope they revisit it in 10 years, retell the same story, different details, but it's the same story. It'd be entertaining then too.