9:41 PM Friday, <October 27>, 2023
Did my Couch to 5K on the track at Lake View High School. Different, but didn’t have to worry about stop lights and traffic and walk signs. Wouldn’t mind keeping it up, but there’s school during the day so I don’t I’m allowed to. My iPhone Pro 15 choice is back in stock at Apple Lincoln Park. Holding off again, waiting for a good time to do in person pickup. So if it’s available on Monday still, I’ll probably do the order. Got to meet a couple Lane Tech Academic Center parents at the birthday party I had to take Lucy too up in Evanston. Also did some work at Patisserie Coralie (the old Cafe Mozart location). That was weird. And of course had to pick up a couple treats from Bennison’s too. Don’t know the next time I’ll be up there. Picked up White Castle for lunch and dinner on the way home. Hung out with my parents for a bit, as they dropped food and the car off. Didn’t actually have to drive to/from swim practice, which was nice.