9:37 PM Monday, <October 23>, 2023
Didn’t realize I missed posting Saturday and Sunday. Had to give a ride to a couple of Jackson’s teammates on Saturday. They lost again, but they played well. Lots of good passing. Quite enjoyable to watch at times. Halloween Party went well, bartended a bunch. Next time I need more glassware (specifically coupes), forgot to prepare the espresso, need more lemon juice, and full bottles of base liquors. And a mocktail or two on the menu. Also, for the drink menu, go back to spirits instead of brand names, or have a glossary at the bottom. But overall went well. Cleaned and stuff on Sunday. Jackson had a birthday party to go to so was gone all day. Back to work today, but on the iPad Pro. Took my desk out of the crawlspace, but didn’t put it back yet. Didn’t realize how much I’m wearing the carpet down with my chair, so thinking I need to put something down.