10:27 PM Monday, <October 9>, <2023
Well, I missed Saturday because I was baking (until 4:30am). That’s because I didn’t start until like 8pm, and I was watching movies, and I couldn’t find the acetate I use during cake assembly. Sunday I missed updating because we went to the Canadian Thanksgiving celebration at the O’Tooles that I brought the baked goods to. The grapefruit pie and apple pie layer cake were both pretty good. Big fan of the grapefruit pie, although the presentation leaves something to be desired. Jackson had a couple soccer games this weekend, got killed on Saturday to Ronan and Finn’s team and only lost by 1 to one of the undefeated teams in the league on Sunday. They played so much better on Sunday, like night and day. Had to bring Lucy to the eye doctor to pick up some soft contacts as backups for when her Ortho-Ks aren’t working well due to allergies.