9:06 PM Tuesday, <July 25>, 2023
Only had to drive Jackson to the pool after camp for some swimming with Hudson and Serafina. That was nice. Worked by the pool for a couple hours. Finally got my Shelly order, and put a dimmer switch on the vent fan in the basement. Works, but when I first tried using the Shelly plugin in Homebridge, homebridge wouldn’t start, or crashed immediately upon startup. So I need to figure that out. Will try and install the relay on the side house security light. I also put a spare WeMo Plug on Lucy’s desk lamp, since she leaves it on. I just have to remember to turn it back on after I turn if off. Too bad HomeKit can’t officially run Shortcuts, or I could have it automatically turn back on after I turn it off. Updated Apple OSes on the remaining Apple devices in the house, except for Tracy’s and Lucy’s phones, since I don’t have all the time access to those.