11:39 AM Wednesday, <August 21>, <2013
Tracy got us a storage unit, and we took a first trip out last weekend to get it set up and start putting stuff away. I think she's nesting, but it's great. She's put away all the baby stuff that we won't need for a while, and some extra chairs, and things are just a lot more open at home. She's doing another trip today. We think we've got Lucy back to sleep trained. No more getting her in the middle of the night. And after the first night, she hasn't tried to leave either. So that's good. Doesn't necessarily mean I'm sleeping more, as I keep using the remote headphones on the Roku 3 to plow through movies. Got the Surly Pacer all fixed up. Nice and smooth braking again. Been over in Roscoe Village a couple times in the last week or so. Really nice. Current front runner for new neighborhood. Of course it isn't cheap. That's why I keep playing the lottery. Hard to believe it's almost September already. Crazy. Just found out Market Track Chicago Office is moving. Officially. Our sublease is up next year, but we sorta planned ahead and started looking sooner. But now I just heard today we'll be moving in 60-90 days. So sometime this year we'll be in the Sears Tower, or, I guess, Willis Tower. And we'll be colocating most of our servers, which I think will mean I'll almost never have to come in if the A/C fails.