8:02 PM Monday, <September 27>, <2010>
The Russells invited us out Saturday morning to Lincoln Square Apple Fest. Tracy thought she had to work, and I didn't want to take Lucy out by myself, but ended up she was working on Sunday. So we took Lucy on her first el trip, Brown Line which ended up being an express from Belmont to Western. Good seeing the Russells. And the fest was unlike any other we were used to, like Ribfest, Northalsted Days, Lakeview Arts Fest. Lots of families, kids, strollers, oh the strollers. Didn't actually stay that long, didn't even get any apples, but did get some apple pie. Ended up getting lunch at Fiddlehead Cafe, which was great. Also noticed there was a Paciugo Gelato on the square, and watching all the families made us wonder if Lincoln Square would be a nice place to move to. Hmmmm. Sunday was daddy day care. Also did some work over the weekend. Finally watched Date Night. Funny stuff. Got up extra early today, cause lately when we get Lucy in the morning she's pooped already. So trying to catch that when it happens. Oh, also tried to make a stout cheesecake with some leftover beer. Tried it this morning and it was awful. Still makes be want a good cheesecake though.