9:28 PM Tuesday, <September 28>, <2010>
Finally uploaded photos of Lucy from the baptism. About time. YuShan dropped by this morning, dropped off some baby gifts (thanks Jess!), and Tony dropped by this evening to drop off the brothers baby gift as well. Picked up Babies and Iron Man 2 from Redbox, and ended up actually watching Babies tonight because Tracy's been waiting for it. I worked, while Tracy had the day off. My mom gave us food for the week on Monday, so been living out of the fridge. I'm rediscovering my music, even buying some new stuff from old artists that I enjoy. No idea when I'm actually going to get around to listening to it. Still craving cheesecake of some kind. Also still managing to keep up with my 5x5s. Maybe because I'm going to San Diego in a week or so for a wedding.