11:43 AM Friday, <September 24>, <2010>
Busy busy busy at work. I have been keeping up on the 5x5's. So that's cool. Looking forward to not doing them this weekend. I'm pretty sore as is. Otherwise, Lucy can roll onto her belly after getting placed in the crib on her back. It explains how she's had 2:30 hour naps this week. Haven't really watched any more new shows yet. Had to take care of Lucy last night when Tracy was working, and had to make dinner too. One other random thing is that I've been trying to do dishes right after dinner instead of waiting until right before bedtime. Also trying to get to dishes throughout the day instead of waiting for them to pile up. I'm also totally hooked on watching Skins. Netflix is seriously pretty cool. And I think I found an option for converting HDMI to Component Video (HDFury). So some point down the road, will get a new Apple TV with Netflix Watch Instantly. Going to take care of Lucy tomorrow since Tracy's working.