9:57 PM Thursday, <July 22>, <2010>
storytlr isn't updating via launchd on the Mac mini. That's annoying. Having to figure out what the problem is, making sure it's available, worrying about security issues. All annoying. But probably isn't a service out there that'll take care of those things yet allow unfettered accesss to the box. But if there was, I wonder what the pricing would be on it. Took a long lunch today and met up with Russell at Duke of Perth. I like that place, especially the quiet on a Thursday afternoon. Rode my bike down, and in a show of how out of shape I am, my legs are sore because of it. That's just sad. Picked up Lucy after work, stopped by Treasure Island, of which I am the foursquare mayor. Got to do the bedtime routine with Lucy, except she wasn't really into it at all. But she still falls asleep by 9. So we got that going for us. Skipped dinner because of the late and big lunch.