11:05 PM Wednesday, <July 21>, <2010>
Pointed lucy.abando.com to the storytlr version. I like it because it's actually timeline based on when things happened, like when Flickr photos were taken, not posted. Also going with Youtube for video posts, mostly because I found out how to make it iOS friendly. Which was necessary. I'd rather have gone with Vimeo, but embed didn't work automatically for iPhones and iPads. Next up is actually posting some videos, which requires some work in iMovie to edit some clips. Gonna be interesting to try it out via Remote Desktop. Would be nice if I had a fast and pretty iMac to do photo and video work on. Oh well. Tried out a new method for sleeping for Lucy, which didn't work out at all. Trying to get away from the SwaddleMe, but it just works. Maybe try over the weekend? Mom made dinner again, country ribs. Watched another episode of Eureka, and now I think anything we watch will be new for me.