9:07 AM Friday, <July 22>, <2011>
So went to Mexico. Came back. And back to work. Somewhere in there Lucy loves the water, wades through kiddie pools, and even likes to dunk her own head in. She also likes sand and moving it from one spot on the beach to another. However, she came back with a slight fever, which spiked early Tuesday morning, so we went to the Children's Memorial Hospital to get it checked out. Nothing a little Motrin didn't fix. She got a pediatrician visit on Wednesday, where the diagnosis was Hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and just Tylenol and Ibuprofen to keep the fever down, and make sure she's drinking and eating. And she is. I blame myself for feeding her by hand on the airplane ride back. She was pretty good on the way there in the plane, and even snuck a nap in. On the way back she couldn't sit still, always moving. Very tiring. Vacation itself was very nice and relaxing, even with with 4 kids. Always ended up in Gabe and Sania's room for breakfast and/or dinner. Only rained at the end of the day. Spent a lot of time at kiddie pools or on the beach, mostly pools. Only once went in to downtown. Loved having an Airport Express to share the wired network connection. Also saw a lot of iPads in the lobby where there was free wifi, and saw a couple other tablets, possibly a Tab, maybe something else. Lucy also got her afternoon nap, which was nice because we got an afternoon nap as well. Only once did she not sleep through the night, and we tried putting her in bed with us, but she just wanted to play with us all night long instead.