8:45 PM Monday, <May 17>, <2010>
Back to the grind. Working away. Got my new Tom Bihn Small Cafe Bag. Can't wait to leave the house to use it. Not quite sure what to put in it besides the camera. The iPad, if I ever get it, will probably hop on in, but then probably dad stuff, baby wipes, diaper, burp cloths, outfits. Sweet stuff. Should come in handy though. I'm excited. Ordered Philly's Best delivery for dinner. Really good stuff. Best onion rings I've had in a while. Didn't leave the house today, except to get mail. Been working on Lucy to turn left, and lay a little bit on her right side of her head, to even things out a bit. We also mounted the car mirror we got from Ate Joy to the Pack n' Play/Bassinet so we can see her from the bed when she's in the bedroom. I imagine the next four weeks while I'm working and Tracy isn't to be rather interesting. She'll probably spend more time out and about once the weather gets nicer, whenever that happens. Also, Lucy's spending more of her time awake, so that's cool. Personally I'm trying to stay away from the baby talk, and more towards complete sentences and big words, scientific topics and logic and reason. Because she's Asian.