8:58 PM Sunday, <May 16>, <2010>
So even though at the doctor's appointment they said we don't have to wake her up for feeding overnight, Lucy still gets up about every 3 hours for feedings. So can't say anything's really changed on that front. Had my first day back at work on Friday. Not bad. Pretty easy getting back into the swing of things. Fixing some things that I might have broken. But wasn't too hard to get back into the swing of things. Saturday finally got my haircut, but didn't get to show off pictures of Lucy because network was too slow to pull images down from Flickr or MobileMe. So when I got home, I finally set it up to sync photos directly to the iPhone, which means I won't be uploading photos both the Macbook and Mac mini, just the mini from now on. It becomes the live set now. Wandered over to the Nettlehorst School Market and picked up some breakfast pastries. Was surprised and excited that Zullo's has a stand there now. Watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and 2012 finally, ordered pizza from Pie Hole. Also on Friday we took Lucy to Paciugo Gelato, and tried the Durian flavor. Not bad. No smell. Also gave Lucy her first tub bath. We're not so good at it, or Lucy just doesn't like the water yet. She still isn't a fan by the Sunday bath either. Sunday we ventured out to Northbrook Court, had some crepes at Magic Pan, Tracy got some postpartum clothes. I got to change Lucy in the changing station in a men's bathroom. It being Northbrook meant the changing station already had a nice cushy pad. It was quite nice. No fold down plastic table there. Also picked up some grommets and grommet pliers to create more flexible attachment systems and string monopod for Luma Loop pod mount. Should be really cool and useful if it works.