1:40 PM Wednesday, <July 16>, <2008>
I really need to catch up on sleep. I'd say I'm in the negative on that. But shouldn't have to stay up too late anymore. Made another moving run last night, Tracy had packed up more of the kitchen stuff, appliances, spices and so on. After that we headed over to Halsted's for dinner, which is our go to place now because it's so close. Came back, I put another coat on the accent wall in the master bedroom, and Tracy unpacked the folding deck chairs. Then we had to get ride of the boxes, since all 6 were packed individually. Hopefully the boxes will get picked up my recycling at some point. More stuff we have to worry about. We did mean another of our neighbors last night, on our way out the door. Wondering if we should do some sort of formal introduction to the building. Would be nice, wouldn't it? Decided to try out Comcast for cable/internet. Just a trial run. If not, can also just cancel and switch over to RCN again. Or maybe go with DSL. Wait and see. Headed out on the train tonight to the Argaos; Gabe, Sania, and Ella are in town.