2:35 PM Thursday, <July 17>, <2008>
Met Ella, Sania and Gabe's daughter, Tracy's niece, my niece-in-law, or just plain niece, last night. She's tiny, and cute, and 9 1/2 weeks old. Very cute. Absolutely adorable. Had dinner out at the Argaos, Momma Argao made pot roast, and ginataan for dessert. Also borrowed a ladder, so we can finish painting the little accent in the tray ceiling in the master bedroom. And then we'll be done painting. Tracy had the day off today, and her family came up to visit, check out the new place, baby too. They also brought up the chair she got from Arhaus, which makes one more piece of furniture we have. Supposed to get phone service installed today. Oh, finally got some passport photos taken, and I'll get my renewal out in the mail tomorrow. Finally. Good thing I don't have any plans to leave the country. Oh, and it's hot outside.